
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chances, chances, and more chances.

“And I also regret not writing more when I was younger..”, I told my father. And just as those words escaped my mouth, I realized; I had so many regrets.

I used to think that getting older leaves you with less chances, as if time has the power to turn you into a a withered, helpless pulp.

As I struggle to find myself considered as an adult, I realize that there are no missed chances, just the fear of trying. Far too many times the fear of losing to the odds, to life, to circumstance envelope those who dare to take these challenges on, but it seems that those who succeed are ones who are brave enough to try. Remember: Bravery is not the absence of courage, it is saying, with your head held high, that I will try anyway.

I am late. At twenty four, I seemed to have shied away from all the things I could have done, could have been. There are times I find this idea stuck in my head and those are the slowest, lowest days I have. But then, you see, age and time has never let anyone stop those who did not let them. I am learning this now.

It was Og Mandino in his book The Greatest Salesman who said,  “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”

I intend to follow this advice.

So I write, to get better, and I will never stop.


  1. Hmmm...24 is actually still young, for me anyway. We sometimes think that we are losing time but I think it's all a matter of perception. Good thing you decided to continue writing. It's never too late to do the things you think you've missed. =)

    When I turned 25 a few years back, I experienced a MAJOR quarter life crisis. I felt the same way you did (not a really great time to experience that during your birthday. Heheh!)

    So I decided I needed to get myself back in check, revisited my goals and started realigning my life to meet those same goals. I'm quite happy to say that before I reached 29, I was able to complete everything on my list, plus a few others too.

    Now that I just turned 30, I'm starting to think up of a new set of goals again and I'm actually excited to be going on this journey again. Now with a little one in tow pa. Hehehe! =)

    1. Thank you for sharing that, Tin. It helps to know that other people have felt this and risen from it. I inspire myself with stories like these.

      I think I am going to start with my list, too. :)

  2. It'll take me ages to get past the fear of trying... not that I'm completely scared now. Although the fear of rejection still powers me through trying new things, admittedly.


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