
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Up 24 hours!

The laid back Saturday look after a whole week of work, work, and work.

Believe it or not, I spent the whole of Friday night editing video with the group. Then, it was straight to class for our presentation and report the next day. I was up for more or less 24 hours. No rest for the wicked.

Of course, when you find yourself still editing at around 7 (after a whole night of it) when your class is at 8 a.m., things like your wardrobe seem irrelevant. Left the house with the first thing I pulled out of my closet and the comfiest loose jeans I own. Add a pile of accessories and good to go.

Thank you, Lej and JC, for taking these photos.

Cinderella gold beaded necklace; DIY beaded necklace and bracelets;
Forever 21 connector ring; Quiapo find ring;
 Bazaar find top (which my sister claims to be hers); 
vintage belt; Bench pants; Australian flats

 I am happy to report, though, that all that we worked hard of that sleepless Friday night (to Saturday morning) was not for naught. All things paid off, and I hope that this project, and our future plans for it become successful.

You guys will find out about this too, soon. Hope you all had a great week.


  1. Hi Isa! I can totally relate about having to stay up late in the "wee" hours of the morning for a project :) Great comfy look!



    1. Thank you, Jade! What you didn't know was that hours after that photo was taken, I was falling asleep in the mall (of all places!) Haha! Here's to hoping we all get good night's sleep!


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