
Friday, November 2, 2012

Laid back tourist

Laid back tourist with my handy dandy camera bag.

Our last day of vacation consisted of long drives and sight seeing. I, personally, was excited to take photos as I've recently switched from my 18-135 mm stock lens to a 50 mm lens. Photos had a different quality, and outfit shots look waaay better (yes, my father was right, it was he who suggested I switch).

I particularly wanted to see the sunflower fields in Ligao but we missed the sunflowers (apparently, they've been harvested). To keep our spirits from dampening, we made an unscheduled stop to CWC and that's where these photos were taken.

Hello Lulu camera bag; gifted bolero; DIY bead necklace; Fly aviator shades; 
Genevieve Gozum belt; Top and shorts are old favorites

Photos by Camille.

Yes, this is totally a tourist look. (I could never blend in when in vacation! Eep!)


  1. I say, you should compile a portfolio soon. :D

    1. What type of portfolio? Actually trying to build my photography portfolio. :)

  2. Love the outfit. Like one on safari. =)

  3. Perfect, Tin! I knew it resembles something but I couldn't quite put my finger on it! Yes, on safari! hehe

  4. Love your look. :)

    -Aya <3

    Mind if we follow each others blog? :)

    1. Hi Aya! Thanks for dropping by! Followed you on google friend connect. :)


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